Science Quiz - 4 Questions and answers

  1. 1. What is the study of the structure and function of proteins? Answer: Proteomics

  2. 2. What is the process by which plants lose water through small pores in their leaves? Answer: Transpiration

  3. 3. What is the branch of chemistry that deals with the study of carbon compounds? Answer: Organic

  4. 4. What is the unit of measurement for the intensity of sound? Answer: Decibel

  5. 5. What is the force that holds protons and neutrons together in an atomic nucleus? Answer: Strong

  6. 6. What is the study of the development and growth of living organisms? Answer: Embryology

  7. 7. What is the process by which an organism develops from a fertilized egg? Answer: Development

  8. 8. What is the branch of physics that deals with the study of heat and its transformation into other forms of energy?

  9. Answer: Thermodynamics

  10. 9. What is the study of the genetic composition of populations? Answer: Population

  11. 10. What is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of viruses? Answer: Virology

  12. 11. What is the substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process? Answer: Catalyst

  13. 12. What is the unit of measurement for electric charge? Answer: Coulomb

  14. 13. What is the study of the structure of the nervous system? Answer: Neuroanatomy

  15. 14. What is the force that causes an object to move in a circular path? Answer: Centripetal

  16. 15. What is the branch of biology that focuses on the study of behavior in organisms? Answer: Ethology


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